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Example of AFK Studios’ work across London 

Hendon Goods Yard Village Ltd


Arney Fender Katsalidis


Maddox Associates

Planning Consultant

London Communications Agency

Community Engagement Specialists

Hendon Goods Yard is being delivered by an exceptional team, with experience in transforming underperforming sites into new, exciting and vibrant communities. 

Hendon Goods Yard Village Ltd will be leading the development of this new landmark scheme in Hendon. The company is the freeholder of the site and is being backed by an experienced team of UK and London property experts. 

International architectural practice Arney Fender Katsalidis (AFK) is leading the design of the scheme. The firm has unrivalled experience in unlocking the true potential of underperforming sites, creating exciting and vibrant mix-use communities across London and other major global cities. 

Our Vision

The site has untapped potential to create a new visual marker for Hendon, supporting new places for people to live, relax and come together. 

We are looking to create a new residential-led neighbourhood, which will deliver the following: 

High-quality homes for Barnet at prices residents can afford

Spaces the whole community can use and come together

A landmark, climate-friendly development, which promotes healthy and sustainable living

Potential improvements to the approach leading up to the railway station

Better connections to and from the site and the surrounding area, including walking and cycling routes


Hendon Goods Yard will deliver around 500 homes, providing high-quality places for new and existing residents to live – at prices they can afford, with all the amenities and facilities to suit every lifestyle at their doorstep. 

New homes: The delivery of around 500 homes will provide high-quality, flexible places for new and existing residents to live. 

Affordable and family homes: A large proportion of these homes will be affordable, with a number available at London Affordable Rent, ensuring local residents and families can afford to continue living in the Borough. 

High quality amenities: We will create new homes fit for modern living, suiting every lifestyle and need. Some of the spaces we are looking to provide include a residents’ lounge, cinema, gym, workspaces, sky gardens and roof terraces, a crèche, quiet zones and even a pet grooming room. We will also be introducing family-friendly areas and play zones. 


We will create a new landmark development for Hendon, building greater connections and improving the environment around the railway station to the benefit of all residents. 

A new landmark development: We are currently exploring a number of height and massing options for a series of buildings across this strip of land, with the tallest element rising up to 29 storeys. We will be able to provide further information at our next exhibition this summer. 

Part of a new neighbourhood: Hendon Goods Yard has the potential to create better links through the site and to the wider area like the new town centre at Brent Cross. We are currently exploring how we can do this, with a new walking and cycling route to the northern part of the site. 

Enhancing the railway station: We are exploring ways we could potentially upgrade the approach leading up to Hendon Goods Yard from the railway station with Barnet Council and Network Rail. This could include new connections to the existing link bridge and underpass on Station Road, as well as new walkways, cycle paths, access roads, and parking spaces, improving accessibly to the station while making the area safer and more welcoming for everyone. 

Hendon Goods Yard will promote the very best of healthy and sustainable living and will act as a benchmark for future climate-friendly developments. 

Sustainable and healthy living: Hendon Goods Yard will promote active and healthy lifestyles for future residents, through interconnecting green spaces and healthy streets. New trees and greenery will be planted across the development, while new walled green spaces and sky gardens will be installed on the upper floors, creating a more attractive, biodiverse area for residents to meet and relax in. These can be used for a variety of activities, including yoga sessions, children’s playspaces and meeting and relaxing with neighbours and friends. 

More mobile and connected: Hendon Goods Yard will encourage residents to travel in a more sustainable way, with the provision of 900 cycle spaces and an existing railway on the doorstep. We are also looking at potentially creating new walking and cycle routes through the site, which will connect with the surrounding area. 

A climate-friendly development: We aspire to deliver a zero-carbon development, with a generous amount of green space, planting, low embodied carbon materials with high recycled content, energy efficient buildings and reduced water usage – helping to combat the damaging effects of climate change as well as providing a benchmark for future developments in the area. 


We are considering ways we can integrate Hendon Goods Yard with the wider community in Hendon, creating places where residents across the entire area can meet with friends, families and their neighbours. 

Some of our early ideas include: 

Gardens and play areas: We are creating multiple, flexible spaces for the community to relax and play in, with new walled gardens and children’s play areas, tailor made for families. 

Community rooms: We will be providing a dedicated space for the community, where individuals, groups and local organisations can book to use for a variety of different activities, including meetings, events, workshops and classes. 

Crèche: There is the potential to make the crèche available to the wider community, providing more childcare options for families across Hendon. 

We are also exploring improvements to the approach leading up to Hendon Thameslink railway station.