1. Where is the site?

 Hendon Goods Yard is located in Hendon (Barnet), only a stone’s throw away from Hendon Thameslink railway station.

 It sits between the M1 to the east and railway tracks to the west.

2. What is the site currently being used for?

 Hendon Goods Yard was once home to a number of storage facilities. The existing warehouse – a former maintenance workshop – is now part closed, leaving only a Toyota car storage and cleaning and repair service.

3. What are you looking to deliver here?

 The site has untapped potential to create a new visual marker for Hendon, supporting new places for people to live, relax and come together.

 We are looking to create a new residential-led neighbourhood, which will deliver the following:

 Around 500 high-quality homes for Barnet at prices residents can afford, including family homes.

 High-quality amenities for future residents, including a gym, cinema and roof terraces.

 Potential improvements to the approach from Hendon Goods Yard leading up to the railway station.

 Better connections to and from the site and the surrounding area, including walking and cycling routes.

 Spaces the whole community can use and come together, including gardens, play areas, community rooms and a potential creche.

 A landmark, climate-friendly development which promotes healthy, sustainable living.

4. Why is this site suitable for redevelopment?

 This is a challenging brownfield site, sandwiched between a major motorway and rail tracks. It is gated and unwelcoming, offering very little to the surrounding community. It’s been severely underused and is ready for redevelopment. 

 Located next to a major transport hub – including a mainline railway station and road connections – in an area that has seen a lot of positive change and investment, this site has huge potential to support a number of new homes, amenity spaces and activity within a landmark development.

 The redevelopment of the site offers the chance to open it up for the first time in its history, potentially creating new spaces for the community, transforming the approach leading up to the railway station, and improving links through the site and to the wider area, like the new town centre at Brent Cross.

5. How tall will the new buildings be?

 We are currently assessing a number of different options at the moment, to ensure that we maximise the untapped potential of this site, while remaining respectful to our neighbours.

 It’s therefore difficult to put a number on this currently, however we are looking at a series of buildings, with the tallest element rising up to 29 storeys.

 We will be able to provide further information at our next public exhibition in the Summer.

6. What impact will this have on the surrounding area?

 As mentioned, we’re still assessing a number of different height and massing options. 

 However, our initial studies show that there will be minimal impact on the daylight/sunlight of neighbouring residential properties, given the distance from people’s homes.

 There may be some impact from overshadowing on the M1 and railway line. We do not expect this to cause any safety issues, and are in discussions with Network Rail and Highways England.

 The site also sits outside all nearby protected views, including views from Mill Field towards Harrow-on-the-Hill; Golders Hill Park towards Harrow-on-the-Hill; and Hampstead Heath Extension towards Hampstead Garden Suburb.

7. What benefits will Hendon Goods Yard bring to the local community?

 Hendon Goods Yard will integrate with the wider Hendon community, creating places where residents can meet with friends, families and their neighbours.

 This could include:

 Multiple, flexible spaces for the community to relax and play in, with new walled gardens and children’s play areas.

 A dedicated space for the community, where individuals, groups and local organisations can book to use for a variety of different activities, including meetings, events, workshops and classes.

 A potential creche, providing more childcare options for families across Hendon.

8. How will you encourage future residents to use sustainable transport?

 Hendon Goods Yard will encourage residents to travel in a more sustainable way, with the provision of 900 cycle spaces and an existing railway on the doorstep.

 We are also looking at potentially creating new walking and cycle routes through the site, which will connect with the surrounding area.

9. Are you planning to make any improvements to Hendon Thameslink railway station?

 We are exploring ways we could potentially upgrade the public realm on the approach to Hendon Goods Yard with Barnet Council and Network Rail.

 This could include new connections to the existing link bridge and underpass on Station Road, as well as new walkways, cycle paths, access roads, and parking spaces, improving accessibly to the station while making the area safer and more welcoming for everyone.

10. What are the timescales for the project?

 June – first public exhibition

 Summer – second public exhibition

 Autumn – submission of planning application to Barnet Council

 Late 2022 – estimated time for Planning Committee to determine the application

 Early 2023 – start on site

 2025 – Hendon Goods Yard opens